Tuesday 18 September 2012


Ultra Pore Strips
I like to think everyone has that one feature they look at first on another person's face.  I know many of my friends automatically look at a person's eyes and take in the hue, make-up, size and shape.  Quite common.  Oddly enough my go-to facial feature is a person's nose, and the first thing (in my opinion) that can detract from a wonderful nose is big, dirty, porous blackheads!

Blackheads are essentially the pores in your nose that is clogged with pollution, make-up, dirt and all sorts of yucky things!  A blackhead is basically the same as a whitehead, except a blackhead becomes coloured when the clogged pore is exposed to oxygen - inevitable right?

Well,  the most valuable and miraculous beauty fixer on the market (and forever in my beauty bag) is 'Biore Pore Perfect' nose strips.  They are sold in 2 'strengths' i.e. how much it 'glues' to your nose - I always buy the strongest being 'ULTRA nose strip'.

I love, love, love these and they are a staple to my beauty routine.   Basically I ex foliate twice a week in a warm shower, then step straight out while my nose is wet and the pores are open from the heat (consequently loosening the dirt clogged in the pores) and apply a strip to my nose and rip off after 10 minutes.  AND IT WORKS!!!

I won't lie it does make your eyes water a bit, but it's worth it when you see the disgusting gunk it takes away from your pores.  I would say results last for a week, with best results seen after consistent weekly use.

Here are my results (bear in mind this the second strip of the week, so I don't have that many blackheads):

Before the Pore Strip

Pore Strip applied


Pore Strip removed; covered in blackheads!

After Pore Strip